- ACI Global Presence – Update 06/2016
With these new representations, you now can proudly share these figures with your peers, journalists and media, clubs and members:
- ACI is present in 37 countries worldwide
- Access to 1.000+ clubs in many major Automobiles Citroën and DS Automobiles markets
- Representing 67.000+ organized members
- Each county network is represented by 2 Delegates
Our ACI map (small scale – if you need a higher resolution version, please contact us):
- New ACI Communications Assets AvailableWith the SGM decision earlier this year to also welcome clubs of DS Automobiles to the ACI, the new tagline is:
“Amicale Citroën Internationale (ACI) – bringing together the Citroën and DS clubs of the world”We are happy to announce that a number of new assets are now available in digital format, such as
ACI DIN A0 Poster, Promopole / Beachflag, Banner, Rollup, Sticker, Balloon, Brochure etc.In case you have needs to produce these items eg. for a local engagement / visibility of ACI,
please let us know so we can share the new assets in EPS (vectorised) format with you.We kindly ask you to only use the new tagline (“…and DS…”) and also the extended partnership (“in partnership with:” followed by Citroën logo and DS Automobiles logo) in your outbound communications.
As one of the next upcoming activities, also the ACI website will receive an update.
- Spare Part ManagementWe kindly ask you to provide our ACI Board member Manfred Buchgeher with your updates on demands for reproduction (see his earlier email) – please use the Excel template he provided. (Please disregard this reminder when you have already submitted your requirements).
We have barely seen any feedback though from you – are you not ready yet, or not interested into spare part reproduction for your clubs? How much more time do you need? Please give us some feedback. Thank you.
Manfred can be reached directly via spareparts@amicale-citroen-internationale.org (please note: “dot org” not “dot com”).
In some cases, we have seen that email replies were rejected by the receiving mail server. This may be due to some Spam filter updated which have been applied recently.We have already identified alternative tech methods and now solved this issue – and kindly ask you to resend the email you might not have got through earlier.
- Activities on Paris historic vehicle ban
As you know, since last year we are also active via an engagement at the “European Parliament – Historic Vehicle Group”.On June 1st, 2016 another meeting has taken place in Brussels to which we have requested this as an agenda topic. We will keep you updated on progress over time.
For those countries where similar activities are planned, on European level some guidelines have been foreseen – “urban access regulations”.
See e.g. this non-official webpage:
resp. an official doc from the EU website:
http://www.isis-it.net/uvar/Our ACI Board member Laurent Moret de Rocheprise will be connected to FFVE as our representative. Also here, we will keep you updated on progress over time.
a) During the 2016 AGM, a question came up about the need for a tax advisor towards ACI. In this context we have been in dialogue also with “L’Aventure” via our ACI Treasurer, Laurent Moret de Rocheprise who had taken over the task.The outcome of the investigation is as follows:
As the ACI executes financial transactions with both non-profit organizations such as “L’Aventure” but also other parties not having this legal status, we are still obliged to continue operating with the Advisor.b) Finally, also FIVA is now picking up on “digital heritage” of vehicles:
c) We are heading towards summer time – and hope to see most of you in August at ICCCR 2016 in NL.
Please do not hesitate to advertise for participation at ICCCR!We will announce soon the official ICCCR 2020 election date & time (which traditionally takes place during the upcoming ICCCR). So far we have received one candidature – the Poland team which has organized also the 2CV World Meeting in Torun last year has applied to also organize the 2020 event.
We wait for a confirmation from the ICCCR 2016 team on when and where to host this ceremony (we plan for Sat 11h CET but have no confirmation yet).
Please stay tuned!
Best Regards from the ACI Board
///Stephan Joest,
Amicale Citroën Internationale (ACI),