During the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ACI on 11-Feb-2017, representatives of the organization which prepares for the upcoming centennial celebration of “100 Years of Citroën” in 2019 have updated the international ACI Delegates about the progress of this exciting – and at the same time challenging – project.
The venue now has been fixed. A number of potential locations were analyzed and the selection was made – thousands of Citroën enthusiasts will come together during the third weekend in July 2019, and celebrate at the famous Michelin test track near Clermont-Ferrand which already hosted the 1995 “International Citroën Car Clubs Rally” (ICCCR). which will take place at La Ferté Vidame (see separate article on this website).
The “Citroën Century Celebration” will be an exceptional event which is out of the range of any traditional meeting the enthusiasts have attended throughout the years, and also exceeding the traditional “ACI Event Of The Year” activities. Thus, the ACI Delegates have unanimously decided to give this French gathering a special attribution.
Like also in 2015 when the 60th anniversary of the Citroën DS was celebrated, the enthusiasts will be able to attend a series of national and international side events. These will celebrate exciting stories around the various models and also outstanding technologies which have formed the unique history of the marque. Amongst them will also be the 2CV World Meeting 2019 in Croatia which will contribute to the 2019 anniversary celebrations in France.
The ACI is excitedly looking forward to this unique experience, and will update via its website www.amicale-citroen-internationale.org all enthusiasts worldwide about the preparation and progress of the event.
Also we are happy to inform you that Marc-André Biehler, former head of Conservatoire Citroën and passionate enthusiast since many years, has been elected as a member of the Board of Amicale Citroën & DS France during their AGM held the same day, and will support the project organization under the lead of Alain Thuret in the preparation of the century event.
J’étais sur l’impression que cette célébration devait avoir lieu au Palais Royal à Paris…
L’idée de me rendre en Auvergne me en juillet ne me stimule pas trop…
Pourriez-vous m’envoyer les communiqués en Français s,v.p.
Richard Boudrias , Montréal Québec
Bonjour Richard, pour contacter les organisateurs: contact@amicaledesclubscitroen.fr resp. https://amicaledesclubscitroenetdsfrance.com/contact/ – Cordialement ///S. Joest.
Hello Richard,
Je pense que tu as tort car la piste Ladoux à Clermont Ferrand est un circuit extraordinaire, nous le connaissons pour y avoir organisé en 1995 l’ICCCR Français.
Tu pourras aller à Paris avant et après.
Pour les 60 ans nous avions 800 DS et la plus grande place de Paris La Concorde était pleine.
A Clermont, nous attendons plus de 5000 autos !
à Bientôt
Hello from New Zealand, What a wonderful tribute to the Citroen Marque.
It would be great to have any information including any photos of this major event, from a dedicated Citroen enthusiast.
I have had the pleasure of working with the Citroen brand the majority of my life, and still own three of the Traction Avant models.
I am still having difficult purchasing a ticket to the event and do not know what the preoblem is
Hello, please contact the organizers directly, via the contact on the website http://www.citroencc.com – thanks.