Mario Hacquard, a well-known bariton singer from France who also had been acting in various movies over the years, has released a very special and unique series of French music pieces called “Une Voiture – Une Chanson” (one car – one song).

Within that series of now more than 30 different pieces, a number of songs have been also related to historic Citroën vehicles – here is a selection:

* “Aux marches du palais” – Citroën Dyane

* “Soirée” – Citroën ID 19

* “Les Feuilles mortes” – Citroën Traction Avant 11 Légère

* “Tyndaris” – Citroën DS Cabriolet Chapron

* “Madrigal d’antan” – Citroën 5 HP “Trèfle”

the serie is not limited to Citroën only, but also songs for Peugeot, Talbot, Renault, Triumph, Facel Vega etc. can be found on his website:—Chanson.html

Enjoy the beautiful tracks – and buy his music!

Thanks to Mario Hacquard himself who shared the information with us.