Amicale Citroën Internationale (ACI)
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024
Minutes of Meeting

Date: Saturday, 3-Feb-2024
Venue: Conservatoire Citroën, Bd André Citroën, F-93600 Aulnay-sous-Bois, France
Time: 14-17h CET
Participant list: see end of document


The ACI President Stephan Joest (Germany) welcomes the present ACI Delegates, the Honorary Member, the remotely connected ACI Delegates, as well as the new Delegates. The venue hosts (Loïc de la Roche / Denis Huille) are welcomed and also thanked for their support.
Luka Stare (Slovenia) is assigned as Chair of the Meeting.

Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of the last AGM

The approval request is performed.
Voting results: 100% approval, no votes against, no abstentions.

Guest Speech

Guest: Loïc de la Roche, CEO of L’Aventure Peugeot Citroën DS (since 1-Dec-2023, succeeding Xavier Crespin).
Topics: introduction of Loïc de la Roche, support of new product/vehicle introduction, upcoming anniversaries for Citroën Heritage, the future of the Citroën Heritage Conservatory, business outlook, new vehicles to the collection. Details see attached presentation: Loïc de la Roche, L’Aventure Peugeot Citroën DS, Status Report 02/2024.

ACI Honorary Member Herman Sluiter (NL) asks about a potential relocation of the Conservatoire. Loic de la Roche answers that the decision is not taken yet, and various options are still explored.

ACI Board member Manfred Buchgeher (Austria) asks what the position of L’Aventure is about the Spare Part engagement. A potential new approach will be evaluated.

Stephan Joest asks about the cooperation level with ACI, and about the financial support for ACI “Event Of The Year (EOTY)”. Loïc de la Roche states that he is not interested into signing a contract with ACI but rather seeks new ways of cooperation with the ACI, to be explored in the upcoming months. A potential joint approach towards the brands shall be evaluated and a joint value proposition shall be explored.

Loïc de la Roche states that under the critical financial situation, the annual fiscal closing of the books is not giving positive results to L’Aventure, which leads to limited financial support for ACI & EOTY.

ACI President’s Report

The development of the pandemic has allowed to execute world class events again, the 2CV World Meeting 2023 in Switzerland is one of the examples. In total more than half a million Euro could be offered to the EOTY organizers since the formal establishment of ACI. The ACI is present in 47 countries now. A potential new candidate may be India.

Regular work sessions have taken place with L’Aventure, in average every 2 months, work items along club and member offerings, marketing and communications, events, video conference with Xavier Peugeot, kick-off meetings with Loïc de la Roche.

Strategic engagements with FFVE, FIVA are ongoing, primarily to address new target groups for clubs (e.g. Youngtimer/modern classics). An information about the EU Directive 1997/2006 “REACH” (use of chemicals and lead) is again distributed, challenging the possibility to restore historic vehicles due to environmental regulations.

Stephan Joest asks the Delegates to spread the information about the Citroën history books (“Citroën Centennial Books”, 4 issues, ordered from L’Aventure), and also to motivate clubs and members to sign the petition to transfer André Citroën to the Panthéon, an initiative of ACI Ambassador Henri-Jacques Citroën, grandson of the company founder.

Internal statistics: 1.230 emails in the last period, the ACI webserver under permanent attack (1.500 intrusion attempts within last 3 months), 8.7 Million page visits since website relaunch.

Key threat: financial situation (detailed in the Treasurer’s report).

David Serrus (Belgium) comments that the ACI should help organizers to create good events, and should less focus on strategic topics such as lobby works. Stephan Joest states that the ACI Board itself does not hold such information, and is not being involved into the EOTY organization itself. The Board rather refers to the EOTY teams who have provided their final reports to all Delegates, and have best insights also on detail level. These teams are also asked to provide support to new EOTY candidates in helping answer challenges, based on their experience with the event preparation and execution. On top, the ACI communications network does exist but is basically not used for such dialogues. David Serrus agrees.

On top, activities e.g. with FFVE (French branch of FIVA) are quite relevant since each major city in France has their own regulations on emission zones and application methods, which is a challenge for drivers of historic vehicles when entering these zones. The ACI fosters the establishment of a knowledge pool for such regulations and seeks cooperation with FFVE on this. On top, engagements with FIVA have turned out to be profitable for the visibility of the Citroën enthusiasts’ engagement around the globe.

ACI Treasurer’s Report

The balance of the ACI bank accounts is presented, status 31-Dec-2023.

The Treasurer points out that the financial support by L’Aventure (for EOTY + Board) has been massively reduced, in 2022 + 2023 down to a level of 26% compared to the level of pre-COVID. For 2024, L’Aventure has announced that the annual support will be even more reduced, only 2/3 of the 2023 sum will be provided to ACI.

Financial liabilities are still due for the already agreed EOTY’s in 2024 and 2025.

A number of “What-If-Scenarios” are presented:

• Scenario 1: no financial support by L’Aventure.

Assuming every year has an EOTY:
>> 50% of support for EOTY 2026,
0% financial support for EOTY 2027 and onwards.

When there is no EOTY 2026:
>> EOTY 2027 will get only 53% financial support
(compared to the pre-COVID support amount).

• Scenario 2: Financial support for years to come, on 2024 level.

Assuming every year has an EOTY:
>> 80% of support sum for EOTY 2027, no money for 2028+

When there is no EOTY 2026:
>> EOTY 2028 will get 45% of the amount provided pre-COVID.

Loïc de la Roche confirms the challenging situation and offers to jointly investigate new ways of creating revenue and thus financial support to the EOTY.

Herman Sluiter suggests creating multimedia content from Conservatoire assets (vehicles etc.) which are only accessible on a “pay per view” model. David Serrus suggests involving 3rd party sponsors (e.g. Michelin).

Loïc de la Roche confirms to explore any new suggestions, and asks Delegates to propose other ideas.

Approval of ACI Board actions

The approval request is performed.
Voting results: 100% approval, no votes against, no abstentions.
Stephan Joest thanks the audience for their support and trust.


The following events are presented:

EOTY 2023 – 2CV World Meeting, Switzerland

Stefan Nold (Switzerland) presents the event and reports. Since the event has created some loss, he asks for the payout of the remaining amount.

2CV World Meeting 2023 Switzerland – Financial Report

2CV World Meeting 2023 Switzerland – Financial Report (FR)

2CV World Meeting 2023 Switzerland – Review

2CV World Meeting 2023 Switzerland – Final Report

The Delegates are asked to vote.
Voting results: 100% approval, no votes against, no abstentions.
The audience congratulates the organizers for their engagement.

EOTY 2024 – ICCCR Torún, Poland

Paulina Pawolwska (Poland) presents the current project and ICCCR 2024 event status (preparation by Czeslaw Nosewicz (Poland)).

ICCCR 2024 Torún/PL, Status Report

Close to 300 participants have signed up so far, close to 400 paybacks were made due to registrants’ withdrawal from signup. Ca. 2100 registrations are signed without payment.

Stephan Joest asks the project team to perform a vastly improved and much more frequent communication, also using email, newsletter, and website. Many potential participants are unsure whether the event takes place. Not all people are using Facebook. The team confirms to improve on this topic. It was agreed that after such frequent communications via email and newsletters, more financial support will be provided.

EOTY 2025 – 2CV World Meeting, Slovenia

Luka Stare (Slovenia) presents the optimistic outlook to the 2CV World Meeting event in Vipava/Slovenia next year. More than 400 registrations are already existing.

2CV World Meeting 2025, Status Report

EOTY Candidates

EOTY 2027 – 2CV World Meeting, The Netherlands

ACI Board member Willem Klein Lankhorst (NL) presents the concept, the location in Wanroij near the Belgium/Germany border, the experience of the project team and also the site owner (having run larger events before), early project highlights and seeks approval by the Delegates.

2CV World Meeting 2027 – Application for ACI EOTY 2027

No other candidates are available.

Bernie Shaw (UK) asks whether the 2CV World Meeting 2027 would be organized even when the ACI/L’Aventure financial support might be limited according to the Treasurer’s outlook presented earlier. Willem Klein Lankhorst confirms the application also under these conditions.

The EOTY 2027 approval request is performed.
Voting results: 100% approval, no votes against, no abstentions.
The audience congratulates the organizers for the nomination as “ACI Event Of The Year 2027”.

For 2026 and 2028, no EOTY applications are handed in. Stephan Joest asks the Delegates to help trigger initiatives in their countries, and also look into possibilities to run cross-country (e.g. border-near) events which multiple national organizations can support, similar to sports events. The audience supports this idea.

Date / Venue of the next AGM

The audience is asked for their opinion. The majority approves the approach of holding a “hybrid” AGM (in presence and also online). L’Aventure states the willingness to again provide the Conservatoire as potential meeting place, and also when less participants might show up in presence at next AGM.

The challenge of voting (online and presence) is discussed since the Aulnay-Sous-Bois facilities do not provide sufficient indoor network coverage to run Online Voting within the Conservatoire, and no WiFi guest service is available. The voting / election procedure then will be run in a best-effort-approach.

Election of the new ACI Board

Luka Stare (SLO), new ACI Board member

ACI Board member Dejan Orovic (Slovenia) has decided to resign. The Delegates spend applause for his engagement in the recent years.
An ACI-decorated 2CV 4×4 Sahara is handed over.

ACI Board member and Treasurer Laurent Moret de Rocheprise (France) has announced to resign as Delegate, based on a decision at the upcoming Amicale France AGM, executed by end of February 2024. The Board has decided to already thank him now for his engagement as Treasurer and the Delegates applaud him.
An ACI-decorated Traction Avant is handed over.

New ACI Board Candidates present themselves:

o Luka Stare (Slovenia)
o Patricio Cardemil (Chile)

and are applauded for their engagement.

Patricio Cardemil (Chile), new ACI Board member

In anticipation of the leave of Laurent Moret de Rocheprise and the requirement to find a new ACI Treasurer, a potential new ACI Delegate France is presented: Patrick André (provided formal announcement by Amicale France, after their national AGM by end of Feb-2024). He introduces himself and his active engagement in various functions and organizations. He also confirms to be engaged with the ACI.

Patrick André will assume the role of Treasurer in a temporary capacity until his election as a member of the Board is confirmed at the next AGM. Patrick André and Laurent Moret de Rocheprise will work out a seamless handover of the required Treasury tasks. The formal integration into ACI will be worked out with support of Honorary Member and lawyer Herman Sluiter so that a safe handover can be ensured, and no risk is exposed.

Patrick André (F), designated ACI Volunteer Treasurer

The Delegates are asked to vote for Patrick André in his role as temporary Treasurer, succeeding Laurent Moret de Rocheprise.
Voting results: 100% approval, no votes against, no abstentions.
The audience congratulates Patrick André for the nomination.

7 Candidates are listed for the max. 7 Board positions. The secret election is executed. Herman Sluiter and Denis Huille count the votes. Result: 5 of the 7 candidates receive 100% of the votes, the President and Patricio Cardemil receive each 94% of the votes.

The new ACI Board thus comprises of the following 7 persons, in alphabetical order:

Manfred Buchgeher (Austria), Patricio Cardemil (Chile), Stephan Joest (Germany), Willem Klein Lankhorst (Netherlands), Laurent Moret de Rocheprise (France), Luka Stare (Slovenia), Guido Wilhelm (Italy).

Any other Business

Stephan Joest again emphasizes on the missing response from the international Delegates. He asks Luka Stare if he would be willing to look into this challenge and try to look for solutions. Luka Stare agrees.

Event announcement: the Robert Opron retrospective “The Tenderness of the Absolute” will launch from Pentecost 2024 for 12 months in the national automobile museum in Diekirch/Luxemburg. Delegates are asked to invite clubs to visit the exhibition. Also in France, the events “90 Years of Traction Avant” and “50 Years of CX” are announced to the audience and asked for support in spreading the word.

Philippe Lasson (France) states a proposal to create national Amicale’s in other countries, in the same way like the Amicale’s in Netherlands, Germany and Italy established.

Manfred Buchgeher (Austria) presents his view on the Spare Part challenge and the missing support by L’Aventure in the recent years. Loïc de la Roche confirms to look into ways on how to address this topic.

The audience also thanks L’Aventure (Loïc de la Roche, Denis Huille for hosting the AGM, and Eric Leton for technical preparation & support).

End of AGM

The AGM is ended on 17:09h CET.

ACI Delegates participating at venue, in alphabetical order: Manfred Buchgeher (Austria, proxy for Karl Prochazka), Stephan Joest (Germany, Proxy for Stephane Bonutto), Willem Klein Lankhorst (NL), Philippe Lasson (France), Laurent Moret de Rocheprise (France), Czeslaw Nosewicz (Poland), Paulina Pawlowska (Proxy for Stanislaw Marasek), Vita Polanjnar (Slovenia, proxy for Dejan Orovic), Simon Saint (GB), David Serrus (Belgium, proxy for Marc Roelandt), Bernie Shaw (GB), Luka Stare (Slovenia), Vlatko Stefanic (Proxy for Goran Skrbin), Guido Wilhelm (Italy, proxy for Cinzia Apra), Darko Zornjak (Croatia).

Remotely attending: Cinzia Apra (Italy), Stephane Bonutto (Germany), Patricio Cardemil (Chile), Stefan Nold (CH), Bengt Olsson (Sweden).

Some images, (C) Guido Wilhelm: