ACI News
Meeting Report: “40th Citroën Rendez-Vous” @ Saratoga Springs / USA
During our AGM, you have jointly voted to have ACI visibility also beyond our “standard” reach. On behalf of our organization, Philippe Lasson, our French ACI Delegate, has opted in to represent the ACI at the biggest Northern America’s event in Saratoga a few days...
ACI News 06 / 2016
ACI Global Presence – Update 06/2016 With these new representations, you now can proudly share these figures with your peers, journalists and media, clubs and members: ACI is present in 37 countries worldwide Access to 1.000+ clubs in many major Automobiles...
New ACI Delegates in Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Thanks to our ACI Board member Dejan Orovic who has taken an initiative to approach the South East European Citroën clubs, a meeting had taken place in May 2016 where club representatives from the Balkan Citroën clubs have met and exchanged their ideas. We can now...
Welcome ACI Indonesia!
We are happy to share with you that we now welcome another country to our global list of ACI representations: From Citroën Club Indonesia we warmly welcome Pranada Suwondo and also Marius Pratiknjo as our new ACI Delegates. Pranada also updated us about the Thailand...
ACI News 05 / 2016
Dear ACI Delegates, We do have some updates to share with you this month. Paris environmental zone as you know, the latest statement from the Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo is that from July 1st 2016 onwards, vehicles which are registered before Jan-1997 (and by that...
ACI Update May 2016: Paris Environmental Zone
As you know, the latest statement from the Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo is that from July 1st 2016 onwards, vehicles which are registered before Jan-1997 (and by that including also historic vehicles) may not enter the city (inside boulevard Péripherique) from...
Conservatoire Citroën: New Order Form
Bonjour to all, attached please find the latest update from CITROËN HERITAGE (now part of the new “L’Aventure Peugeot Citroën DS” organization) resp. about the homologation / certificate of conformity. We kindly ask you to spread this info to the clubs and their...
ACI News 03 / 2016
Hello ACI Delegates, two more updates from around the globe have reached us: We received an invite from China. As you know, we have had established some relationships in the past via the company’s own channels. In parallel, we had good information exchange via the...
ACI News 02 / 2016
Hello ACI Delegates, As requested in the last AGM (Annual General Meeting), a more frequent update should happen. I just freshly returned from the „Mobile World Congress (MWC)“ in Barcelona, world’s largest and most important telecoms fair. Stronger than ever, OEM’s...
Minutes of Meeting – ACI AGM 2016
Dear ACI Delegates, below please find the „Minutes of Meeting“ of the ACI Special General Assembly (SGM/EGM) executed a few days ago. Minutes of Meeting – ACI Special General Assembly (SGM/EGM) 2016 Date / Venue: 6-Feb-2016, Paris, 14-15h CET Topic: Adaptation of...
Application for ICCCR 2020 by Team Torun / ACI Poland
Dear ACI Delegates, we are very happy to inform you that the team who successfully has executed the “2CV World Meeting 2015” in Torun/Poland (=ACI Event Of The Year 2015), now has also handed in the application to host the ICCCR (International Citroën Car Clubs Rally)...
World Record for 2CV Sale
While most of us had either been busy on the fair or participated in the ACI AGM, meanwhile the Artcurial auction took place at the Retromobile 2016 exhibition, amongst them a number of Citroën vehicles from the André Trigano collection. Here’s the auction results –...
PSA Group launches new media websites
Hello ACI Delegates, I am happy to share with you that PSA Peugeot Citroën has launched a number of new portals which grant access to press and media from the group and the individual brands. This also allows many of the club journal editors, blog managers, web forum...
Hello world!
After 2004 and 2010, the ACI website is now in its third generation. We have been revising several formats in the past, and did a few changes to reflect latest requirements on design and content.